Friday, June 27, 2008

We've finally arrived!!!

So after 3 looooong days of traveling, we're finally in Donetsk!!! :0) We left on Tuesday in the late afternoon and took a 10 hour flight to London. From there we had an 18 hour layover where we learned to live in an airport. Kind of got a small taste of how Tom Hanks felt in The Terminal. It wasn't too bad. We pretty much took over a random terminal until our next flight. That flight was to Kyiv and it was only 3 hours. We were completely exhausted by then but we still had to meet up with a Missionary at the train station. His name's Allen and he's a really interesting guy. We had to ride the train to Donetsk, so that was another 12 hours. And it was overnight so it was a completely new experience. We went to a Ukranian supermarket and stocked up on bread, water, dried fruit, and bananas for the ride. So we all changed into fresh clothes and went into one tiny room and had dinner. The bathrooms in the train were a completely traumatizing experince. It's a miracle that we didn't fall down. Our team is extremely amazing at being flexible. We've gotten about 12 hours of sleep over the past 3 days, but we got here at 7:00 a.m. and we were ready for training at 9!

After our training today they took us downtown and we got to hangout and walk around all the beautiful parks. We wore matching shirts (not touristy at all) and handed out flyers about the english program at the school. Overall, it was a good day for us, but we're ready to SLEEP! Continue to pray for us as we begin classes on Monday. We need God's grace and mercy. <3

Our "Soviet" picture:

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